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The Making of URBAN SHAKEDOWN / Behind the Scenes

Like all movies, Urban Shakedown required a team of talented and dedicated cast and crew.  But this film had - and successfully endured - long, hot days and really hot nights - a LOT of them - to see it through to the end.  There was blood from people going above and beyond the call to get the shot.  There was sweat - a LOT of sweat because it can be hotter than freaking HELL to shoot a movie in Houston in the summer - which I vowed long ago to NEVER EVER do.  There were tears of joy from sentimental gifts to one another among the cast and crew when it came time to say goodbye at the wrap. We had become family afterall.  And tears from laughter at the actors who delivered hysterical interpretations of their lines, oftentimes venturing WAY off script - but also making the end result way, WAY funnier than anything I could ever have written.  I am truly fortunate and forever in debt to the great people - my forever friends - who helped me bring this movie to you.


Below are screen grabs - un-retouched images taken from footage that was shot during filming, plus various photos taken by the cast and crew while the movie was in production.  There are some from scenes and actors that/who ultimately didn't make the final cut unfortunately.  But their contributions are certainly appreciated and I wouldn't dream of excluding them when selecting photos of everyone's contributions.  This movie was a true labor of love and an absolute BLAST to produce for you!  Be sure to click  on the  "show more" button at the bottom of each page.  Please enjoy.


Todd - Writer/Producer URBAN SHAKEDOWN


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